Entertainment Assist - Hospitality Chain


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Entertainment Assist is a national health promotion charity that raises awareness about mental health and wellbeing in the Australian entertainment industry and champions for generational change. Industry workers are educated to be aware of their own mental wellbeing. Industry workers are educated to support their peers around mental health. Industry employers actively support the mental health and wellbeing of employees.

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Good Mental Health Means Being Able To Participate In Life,

Being Confident and Having Self – Esteem

Entertainment Assist has united with members of the Australian Entertainment Industry to develop free mental health support videos which have already provided support to thousands of members of the industry during the COVID-19 crisis. 

The financial hardship and added strain to the mental health and wellbeing of people in the industry is a major concern and the free videos are designed to provide specific support at this time.


Entertainment Assist relies on the generosity of our community. Your tax-deductible gift will help fund research, and our Intermission mental health program which trains individuals in workplaces to recognise and prevent mental health issues.

Most importantly, your donation will help support the work of our major initiative – Australian Alliance for Wellness in Entertainment.



 Our advocates and supporters include performers, technicians, support crew, directors, venue managers, and avid audience members – not all wealthy – but all partnering for change with Entertainment Assist.

With good mental health, we can enjoy being around other people and our environment, fully explore our skills and creativity. 

Good mental health supports resilience and relationships.

While the arts and entertainment sector brings an enormous amount of joy to Australians, recent research has identified that performers, technicians and other support workers experience an unusually high incidence of depression, anxiety and other aspects of mental distress that are also leading to high rates of suicide.

Entertainment Assist is dedicated to raising awareness about mental health in the Australian entertainment industry by commissioning research, for workplace and educational transformation and identifying support pathways for those in distress.


Entertainment Assist is not a crisis support organisation. 

Alternatively, you can call any of the following organizations 24/7

Suicide Call Back Service   1300 659  467

LifeLine  13 11 14

Beyond Blue  1300 22 46361x1 pixel - Entertainment Assist

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