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The history of viticulture in Canada is relatively recent in comparison to other established wine-producing countries. 200 years ago, native varieties such as the Vitis labrusca (Fox grape) and Vitis riparia were grown for wine making purposes. The wines were not appealing to many, however due to the strong earthy taste, and the grapes are more suited for the making of fortified wines the likes of Port and Sherry. Later, new grape species and disease-resistant clones were brought in, and together with the advancement in wine technology, the wine industry in Canada began to thrive, especially after the lifting of its alcohol prohibition in 1927. Although the chilly climate may not seem to be conducive for growing vines, Canada has been making good wine with increasing sophistication over the past 20 years. The province of Ontario, with its climate tempered by the Great Lakes, produces more than three out of four bottles of Canadian wine, from 200 wineries in its four viticultural areas. The Icewine, made from frozen varieties such as Cabernet Franc, Riesling and Vidal Blanc, is one of Canada’s most popular lines. The process of making this elegant and flavourful Icewine is strenuous. The grapes can only be cultivated in places that are below the freezing point and be left on the vine until a sustained -8 °C. The grapes are then carefully handpicked and must be processed while still frozen. Exquisite Icewine aside, the semi-desert conditions of inland British Columbia is also best known for its white wines. Novia Scotia and Quebec are other wine growing regions boasting over 40 grape varieties, with the most common being Sainte-Croix, Maréchal Foch and Frontenac for red; and Vidal, Seyval Blanc, L’Acadie Blanc for white. Dry and semi-dry fortified wines, fruit wines, sparkling wines and ice wines are some of the produce of these regions.

DISCLAIMER: Anyone searching this site must be of legal drinking age. Alcohol must be consumed in moderation. All attempts have been made to accurately display wineries in their regions, in case of any discrepancies please contact us to correct any errors.

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