Edwina Phillips - Hospitality Chain


A World First Global Search And Information Platform

Dedicated And Committed To All Aspects Of The Hospitality Industry

Edwina Phillips

I love it that I can jump onto one website and find suppliers for all my cooking needs. I am a chef with 4 children and working from home.  Living in regional Queensland I have been fortunate enough to have  group of 3 local cafes for whom I bake pies and other items. For me to travel and find goods is near on impossible due to distance and time constraints.  Hospitality Chain had been a huge lifesaver for me in that I can search for everything I need from the comfort of my kitchen and contact the supplier who either  they either sends me my directly or refer me to a local distributor … Do the research and save the time. Thanks Hospitality Chain ..oh and of you need someone to courier your purchase flick over to their World Freight Directory Pages, where you can find a huge list  local and international transport and food deliver companies.?

Have Fun Searching My Foodie Friends  Eddie Phillips – Central Food Services 

Global Leisure Travel And
Tourism Platform
Global Freight
Logistics Platform
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Control Platform
 Global Waste Control