A Genuine Global Platform Committed To Helping Raise Awareness
To Non for Profit Charity Organisations.

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At Lighthouse, the goal is to help young people who are homeless or might become homeless. The organization aims to provide these young individuals with the care and help they need to heal, do well, and feel like they belong..
The outreach teams at St.Mungo’s go out to help people sleeping rough to move away from the streets. They support and provide a bed to over 2,850 people.
RizeUp mission is to drive awareness of domestic and family violence within society by generating life-changing, practical support for the families affected, giving them the hope and empowerment to move on to a life free from violence.
Orlando Union Rescue Mission serve central Florida's Hungry, Hurting, and Homeless. They offer long-term transitional housing for single women, single mothers with children, single fathers with children and intact families
Chester Aid to the Homeless (CATH) is the key city centre charity for homeless people offering support, encouragement and a safety net to those in crisis.
ShelterBox provide emergency shelter and vital supplies to support communities. instantly respond to natural disasters and conflicts around the world.
Women’s Community Shelters works with communities to establish new shelters, which provide short term emergency accommodation and support in a safe environment that enables homeless women to rebuild self-esteem and achieve control and fulfilment of their lives.
Good Samaritans India moves destitute to the shelter home or will take them to the hospital if required, rebuild and restructure those who are underprivileged. They take these abandoned elderly to a home, provide them free medical assistance and take.
Rock Trust mission is to prevent youth homelessness and to support young people to build better futures.
Narayan Seva Sansthan focusing on alleviating disabilities and providing proper Physical, Social, and Economic Rehabilitation to the needy.
VincentCare provides services and programs for people who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness and disadvantage. Working collaboratively with men, women, families, young people and those who are ageing. Providing support and services for those in housing crisis
Railway Children provide a safe place for children to stay while they work out the best long-term solution for their individual circumstances.
Cover the Homeless Ministry is a non-profit charitable organization 501(c)3, which reaches out to the homeless, by walking hand in hand with those in need as they go through the stages of personal recovery and restoration.
Raphael House help low-income families and families experiencing homelessness strengthen family bonds by achieving stable housing and financial independence.
The Urja Crisis Shelter Short Stay and Group Home at Dadar act as the immediate safety net and the first step for the homeless womens gradual empowerment.
Dignity is a not for profit organisation, that empower people experiencing homelessness or at risk of experiencing homelessness. They provide Guest Homes, Dignity Dishes and New Clothing.
Sanctuary Housing provides a crisis solution to men, women, and families facing homelessness. Our women's shelters, provide a first stop port of call for women and their children surviving domestic violence. Supporting Women in crisis
Church Homeless Trust help everyone regardless of their gender, sexuality, race or religion.
Camp Haven is the only transformation shelter for homeless and at-risk men of Indian River County. Its mission is to rebuild the lives of the homeless, return men to sobriety, make productive citizens out of broken men, and restore family.
Homelessness Australia is a non-profit organization and does not provide or manage accommodation or perform direct client services. Instead they work with a large network of organisations to provide a unified voice when it comes to preventing and responding to.
Streetwork provide expert, compassionate and flexible support and link people into the services they need. They respect everyone, enabling a life off the streets, showing dignity.
The St Vincent de Paul Society serving the poor with love, respect, justice, hope and joy, working to shape a more just and compassionate society.
Support the Girls Charity empower women to escape the cycle of poverty, violence, trauma or multiple structural oppressions. Spaces are created for women from all walks of life to foster relationships with other women in the community regardless of income,.
Inner City Night Shelter provide respect, rest, food, and resources to help the homeless find their way back home.
Simon Community Scotland have a safe place to live with access to the help they need. They help make positive things happen for people facing extremely difficult circumstances.
El Shaddai Child Rescue USAto provide a safe haven, food, shelter, and protection from violence to abandoned and abused children found on the streets of slums and along the beaches of Goa.
Santa Barbara Rescue Mission provides immediate help-in the form of food and shelter 365 nights a year to those with no place else to go–and lasting hope–in our 12-month residential recovery program for men and women desiring to break free.
Homeless Action Scotland is the National Membership organisation for homelessness in Scotland. To improve the conditions of homeless people and those at risk of becoming homeless; working with people across the country and further afield
The National Alliance to End Homelessness is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization whose sole purpose is to end homelessness in the United States. They find solutions to homelessness base on research and data and partner with federal and locals. Once they.
Los Angeles Mission is on the front lines of providing meals, hot showers, safe shelter and other life-giving support to people in need
Australian Alliance to End Homelessness (AAEH) committed to preventing and ending homelessness in Australia by ensuring everyone has access to safe, sustainable housing and the services they need.
Hosea Feed The Hungry & Homeless rescue, restore and re-stabilize at-risk and homeless individuals and families so they can thrive and become self-sufficient.
StreetSmart support community based organisations, people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. They provide SleepSafe Sleep Kits in partnership with Sheridan.
URJA is a non-governmental organization that aims at working towards an equitable and inclusive world. It focuses mainly on the rights and needs of homeless young women and helps them to live with dignity.
Habitat for Humanity is a global nonprofit housing organization working in local communities across all 50 states in the U.S. and in approximately 70 countries. Their vision is a world where everyone has a decent place to live. They have.
Sheltered by Grace is a homeless shelter based in Logan, Brisbane. They have the vision of transforming lives, and do this through supported accommodation to the homeless and/or disadvantaged and at risk of becoming homeless.
YMCA St Helens offer a fully supported hostel for single homeless people between the ages of 18 and 55 years.
Friends with Dignity is a volunteer based not-for-profit registered charity. Provides practical programs to assist survivors of domestic violence in collaboration with refuge and crisis centres.
Hope Rescue Mission has been a place of refuge for the homeless men of Berks County, PA.
Restore is providing people with a place to sleep at night. They want to see people transformed through their work. They care and serve about the whole person so that one day people can move on from their properties to.
Uday Foundation is a non-profit organization serving wholesome, food to families of underprivileged patients in the Govt. Hospital and also for the children who come from a far-off places to the Delhi hospitals for often longer treatments. They engage with.
Habitat for Humanity provide children and women a secure environment and enable family members to seek gainful employment.
Covenant House is a non-profit organization that provides housing and supportive services to young people facing homelessness. It helps people transform their lives and put them on a path to independence. Covenant stands as a powerful human right movement for.
Work+Shelter is a non profit organization creates safe spaces across India where women in need can come to work. W+S encourages self-reliance amongst its female stakeholders while promoting hands-on training and capacity building.
Salaam Baalak Trust (SBT) has full care residential shelter for street children. Provides protection to street children through health and nutrition, mental health, quality education & vocational training, support for performing arts such as photography, theatre, dance and puppetry.
As a national non-profit organization dedicated to ending the cycle of youth homelessness in local communities, StandUp for Kids have cared for homeless and at-risk youth by transitioning them from crisis to self-sufficiency. They give the youth a sense of safety,.
Bayside Women's Shelter is a national not-for-profit organisation providing assistance to men, women and children who have been displaced by domestic violence.
Aashray Adhikar Abhiyan (AAA) has an advocacy by way of campaign to fight homeless people situation in Delhi with the support of Action Aid.
Calgary Women's Emergency Shelter focused on ending family violence and abuse in the lives of women, children, youth and men. They are serving approximately 15,000 clients each year through a number of innovative safety, healing and prevention programs. Their funding.
Battered Women's Trust is a a non-profit organization, providing long-term and on-going support groups for women and their children after they leave refuge. Their mission is to empower women to create a safe and healthy family life for themselves and.
The Macari Centre welcomes anyone in need of accommodation and envisions a city where no one is homeless. They support all individuals without discrimination, committed to a policy of equal opportunity. Provide activities to enhance guests skills, sense of self-worth.
Leeds Women’s Aid provide emergency refuge accommodation; 24/7 telephone helpline; drop-in services; healthy relationship programs; Independent Domestic Violence Advocates (IDVAs); working with women experiencing complex needs; community development and support & interventions for children and young people. They help regardless.
Cuan Saor provides short-term crisis accommodation for women and children fleeing domestic violence. They offer Counselling, Court Accompaniment Service, Training and Awareness-raising, Child and Family Support. Working within the principles of safety, for staff and service users, ensuring their service.
Safe Haven Ministries mission is to prevent and end relationship abuse. Through education, empowerment and community collaboration, they believe all individuals have a right to a healthy relationship. They empower clients by providing them with choices, allowing them to make.
The Girls Refuge is Sydney’s girls-only crisis refuge, the first youth refuges in NSW. Each year they cares for over 200 girls and young women either at the refuge or in the community. Girls and young women who stay are.
Lou's Place mission to provide a safe place where women’s basic needs are met, a community in which to heal and the support to empower women to rebuild their lives. Is a community-based refuge for women in crisis, feeling isolated.
Social Bite Villages created a low cost, safe living environment for up to 20 people for around 12 -18 months. Ensuring they will learn new skills and get their life back. Residents will receive extensive work placements and employability support..
Drogheda Women's & Children's Refuge has offered a number of services to families who are being physically, emotionally, sexually or mentally abused in their own home. They acknowledges the strength and courage of individual with choices and options at hand..
Homeless Network Scotland provide its services to homeless young single people, ensure that the accommodation and social care needs of single people who became homeless in Glasgow could be addressed. They understand that personal development, opportunity, training and employment became.
Good Shepherd Cork provides support and advocacy for families who are homeless and currently staying in B&B or Hotel accommodation. Their emergency accommodation Edel House can accommodate 10 families and 18 single women. They offer a range of supports and.
Family Action offer a safe, confidential and empowering service. The professional team are all qualified counsellors, psychotherapists, art therapists and psychologists. They can provide Crisis counselling and intervention services, Safety plans and options, A safe place where you can explore.
Dundee Women's Aid offer support over the phone, in the office and in the community. They offer non-judgemental service to women, young people and children who have experienced domestic abuse. Regardless of backgrounds they support A safe, temporary place to.
East Ayrshire Women’s Aid is a charitable organisation working towards ending domestic abuse. They offer a confidential service across East Ayrshire to support women, children and young people who are or have experienced domestic abuse. Over 30 years of service.
Broadacres House provides accommodation and services for single women, and women with children who have been, or who are, affected by domestic abuse. The women’s refuge is a safe place where they can re- establish themselves and regain control over.
Women's Aid Leicestershire Limited provide a safe and secure services for women and children fleeing an abuse situation. They empower women who are victims of abuse to move on and recover their lives. Their mission is to improve the lives.
Their mission is to end homelessness across Fife by taking preventative action and by assisting and supporting people to choose the life they aspire to. Frontline Fife believes that lives can be transformed by creating opportunities for homeless people, to.
Gateway provides a diverse range of accommodation based support packages. Their managed accommodations vary, providing individual self-contained flats to short term shared accommodation. Provide a stepping stone to vulnerable adults, enabling the transition back to a meaningful lifestyle.
Shelter from the Storm is a non profit organization. They have a commitment to support an individual achieved their realistic goals, to care, understand and respect. Their mission is to house and support the homeless in London whoever they are,.
They provide support and advocacy to people seeking safety from oppression and/or bigotry,people facing the debilitating consequences of poverty, including food insecurity, people facing economic hardship, including housing insecurity. Their community-based leadership which does not discriminate the most vulnerable in.
Coventry Haven Women’s Aid provide refuge to women and children who are not safe in their own homes, and their location is kept totally secret. They support you with options around housing, assist you with safety and risk planning, benefit.
Women’s Aid provide safe emergency accommodation to women and children experiencing domestic violence. They cater for women who are alone and also those with children. There are currently 12 Women’s Aid refuges across Northern Ireland. Their highly skilled team and.
COPE Galway offers a range of support services, these include homeless prevention, emergency accommodation, support with accessing your entitlements, finding new accommodation, health services, and a range of other supports based your specific needs. They have key workers to assess.
Broadacres is not for profit organization offering support and advice, emotional support, Work with government, voluntary and other organisations to give you support when you need it. They are offering housing options, act quickly and effectively for clients safety. Committed.
The Elm Foundation provide services and support to any man, woman or child affected by domestic abuse. Helping individual affected by abuse regardless of gender, ethnicity, age, religion, sexual orientation or disability. Their support workers listen, empower and will not.
West Wales Domestic Abuse Service provide a free, confidential service throughout Ceredigion to anybody suffering or experiencing domestic abuse regardless of their age, race, gender, sexual orientation or financial circumstances. They provide refuge, giving you information on benefits and housing,.
Wellington Women’s Refuge is a non profit organization that ensure a safe and appropriate service for all women and children experiencing domestic violence. They support women whether they choose to leave or stay in a relationship. Providing services to women.
Napier Womens Refuge Inc is an organisation for women and children providing a safe refuge to those experiencing domestic violence. Provide support, advice and help to empower women and children, Establish refuge facilities for and by Maori women, Develop culturally.
Wycombe Women’s Aid offers emergency, temporary and safe accommodation for women and women with children who are escaping domestic violence. Their vision for women and children live their lives free from domestic and sexual violence. They respect the choices of.
Taranaki Womens Refuge provide the support and information you will need when you are dealing with family violence. If a women’s safety is at risk, they provide crisis intervention and/or emergency housing in Safehouse. They involve with local community and.
Cuanlee Refuge provides safe and secure crisis accommodation for women and children experiencing domestic abuse. They are committed to not only working with women and children who have experienced domestic abuse, but to also challenge and change the societal structures.
Glasgow City Mission help people affected by homelessness and poverty by offering Emergency overnight accommodation for people who would otherwise sleep rough. They work on improving the physical and mental health, helping people access to a more suitable housing, support.
Homeless Care CLG provide a suitable facility to accommodate out of state care for young homeless adults aged between 18 and 25 in the County Kildare. The facility is comprised of self-catering residential units with ancillary training, recreation, catering, supervisory.
House of Refuge, Inc. is a non-profit organization supporting the community. They offer a two bedroom homes and rent to families experiencing homelessness. Helping families in crisis by providing transitional housing and supportive services that assist participants as they strive.
Since 1976 Lighthouse Women's Aid provide a safe and supportive refuge for women and their children requiring an emergency temporary home when they leave an abusive partner or family member. They are offering an opportunity for all women, young people.
Housing for Women owns and manage over 920 homes across 11 London boroughs. They offer a range of accommodation both in terms of property type and number of bedrooms available. Providing quality, affordable homes and a range of support services.
The Good Shepherd Centre offer emergency accommodation, transitional housing and resettlement services with the aim of returning people to sustained independent living. They are a client centred using agreed Personal Action Plans, collaborating with other agencies like The Local Authority,.
Wintercomfort for the homeless supports men and women who are homeless or vulnerably housed, offering vital welfare services, opportunities for learning and training to empower them to move out of homlessness. They offer a wide range of activities, information, advice.
Refuge House offering Transitional Housing Program provides confidential, safe housing to victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, prostitution and sex trafficking, and to their children, for up to two and a half years. Their Transitional Housing Program assist in meeting.
Shakti Women’s Aid helps women, children, and young people experiencing domestic abuse from a partner, ex-partner, and/ or other members of the household. They give advice and information about options and choices, issues which may affect BME women which include.
Laura's House is a safe space to heal and embark on your journey to a life free of violence. They empower, offer education and resources, residential shelter services, transitional housing, counseling and workshops, legal services to thousands of individuals.
Four Square charity supporting people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. They provide support; advice; accommodation; and learning and training opportunities. Their aims are to offer a sense of belonging; to be supportive; to nurture growth; and.
Cyrenians tackle the causes and consequences of homelessness through understanding that one approach does not fit to all kinds of people. They base their work through values-led and relationships-based. Their mission to support people excluded from family, home, work, and.
The Wallich Centre believes that everyone deserves the right to feel safe, to feel valued and to feel positive about their future. They are getting people off the streets; keeping people off the streets; and creating opportunities for people. Their.
Providing accommodation, care and support for over 4,000 homeless people. Drogheda Homeless Aid encouraging self-development, independent living and resettlement living . A social housing body with 9 long term houses in total.
Turning Point Scotland supporting people facing the most complex and challenging situations. Their values of respect, compassion, inclusion, and integrity are the core of their services. They have a vision of a Scotland where everyone has a safe place to.
ADAPT Domestic Abuse Services has 14 self-contained apartments which provide emergency accommodation both day and night, 7 days a week to women in abusive relationships. Each individual’s privacy is totally respected in the refuge where women have all their options.
Eastern Refuge Society provide safe, inclusive spaces for diverse whanau, services that support the wellbeing of all people through professional best practice. Their vision is to cultivate violence free families communities and society, by enhancing the mana of all peoples.
Women's Aid East & Midlothian provide support, information and temporary accommodation to all women (including transwomen), children and young people who have experienced domestic abuse. Their mission is to transform the lives of women, children and young people until all.
Phoenix Women’s Aid helping Women, Men and Child victims of Domestic Violence and Abuse. They offer refuge to women and children needing a safe place to stay long or short term. Systematic and person-centered counselling for victims and survivors of.
Julian House provides free accommodation, food and shower facilities as well as support for clients to move away from rough sleeping. Their outreach teams work on the streets ensuring anyone who has been forced to sleep rough, understands the options.
South Ayrshire Women's Aid committed to end Domestic Abuse of women and children and promote the provision of services to meet their needs across South Ayrshire. They can refer to safe houses at unadvertised addresses, where you and your children.
Clackmannanshire Women's Aid supporting women and children in the Clackmannanshire area for over 40 years. They provide information, support and safe refuge accommodation to abused women and their children. Supporting women when they are ready to move on from Refuge,.
Scottish Women’s Aid support women, children and young people with experience of domestic abuse. They provide high quality specialist services and who commit each year to a shared set of principles. Their vision is a Scotland with no Domestic Abuse,.
Women’s Refuge purpose is to liberate women, children and whānau from family violence by providing quality services and social commentary. They treat all women, children and their families/whānau in a respectful, confidential, sensitive and non-judgemental manner. Their vision is for.
Momentum support people who are vulnerable or disadvantaged get a roof, a job, live a better life and engage with community. They respect and fully commits to upholding the rights of all people in the community. Through collaboration with partner.
The Hobart Women’s Shelter provide safe, emergency accommodation and support to women and children who are affected by family violence and those who are homeless. Has 15 properties of different sizes. They match women and children with houses, taking into.
Bury St Edmunds Women's Aid provide temporary accommodation for women and children fleeing Domestic Abuse. They can accomodate for up to eight women and fifteen children. Their services are offered to anyone who has been affected by Domestic Abuse and.
Mankind Initiative specialist charity in the UK focussing on male victims of domestic abuse. Giving male victims a voice by engaging with stakeholders such as the government, statutory agencies, politicians, academia and the media. Currently they rely on the kind.
Perthshire Women's Aid is a Nonprofit Organization offering support and refuge accommodation to women experiencing domestic abuse, regardless of sexual orientation, age, social class, ethnicity or religion They support in the following program "Children & Young People's Support Services", Domestic.
Providing Outreach Support and Accommodation for people in need. Sanctuary Trust supported housing services funded mainly through grants, donations, Housing Benefits and other Service agreements/contracts. Working with other providers including those who offer medical and clinical solutions, with the local.
Cornwall Refuge Trust provides refuge accommodation for women, men and children who have escaped domestic abuse, offering them a safe and supportive environment in which to recover from their experiences. They offer support and advice, empowering victims and survivors of.
Genesis Women’s Shelter helping women experiencing domestic violence. They help through emergency shelter and transitional housing apartments. Their aim is to walk alongside each woman to let them feel they are safe. their is help available and there is hope.
Esker House is a non profit organization that provide accommodation to women and children who experience domestic violence on a 24 hour basis, 365 days a year a safe environment where individual care and support is offered. They provide a.
Homeless Oxfordshire provide a safe space, high quality one to one support and initiatives to give homeless people control and independence. They help boost people’s self-esteem and resilience to cope with life’s ups and downs and encourage homeless people to.
Fortalice provides refuge accommodation, support and services for women, families, children and young people affected by Domestic Abuse and Violence. They have 22 flats that can accommodate women and children affected by Domestic Abuse and Violence. Having a staff with.
Cyswllt Cynefin support for families suffering domestic abuse, refuge, support for older people and children and young people services. They supported housing schemes, support in the community and independent domestic violence advisory service.
RISE offering services to those who have experienced domestic abuse in Brighton and Hove. They help in Housing advice and support, training, Counselling and wellbeing support, LGBTQ+ refuge and support services, Helpline, Online learning and Support for friends and families.
Saoirse Women’s Refuge provide short term crisis accommodation and 24 hour support for up to six families as well as a 24 hour helpline service. They have supported over 800 families in refuge and through outreach as well as over.
Aylesbury Women’s Aid working with women and children who are or have lived with domestic violence. They have 17 full and part time staff members, with a broad base of good practice and policies to work with. Having a small.
Feed Our Homeless aim is to support those most marginalized in society, those who are homeless. Assisting people through their journey back into independent living. They advocate for housing, education, and policy change, believing that through motivation people will reach.
Light House Mission is a non profit organization that provide temporary housing, food, clothing, and other services needed by the homeless or the needy. They assist or an advocate in behalf of the poor and understand their unique needs. The.
EDAN Lincs Domestic Abuse Service support any women, men or children who are, or have experienced Domestic Abuse, whether physical, sexual, emotional or financial abuse, including coercive and controlling behaviour, forced marriage and so called honor based violence, who are.
Cardiff Women’s Aid a feminist organization which exists to support women and end Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) in all its forms. They provide 24/7 crisis support and advocacy, emergency accommodation (refuge), aftercare and recovery, and ongoing support to.
Wirral Women and Children's Aid use different therapeutic interventions to help children and young people to regulate and understand their emotions. Training and supervision in principles from Cognitive Analytic Therapy (CAT) to provide a relationally enhanced psychologically informed service for.
Manchester Women's Aid Refuges provide emergency temporary housing for single women and women with children who are freeing themselves from domestic violence and abuse. Provide a safe place to live until a more permanent solution is found. They will assign.
CHESS provides outreach services to rough sleepers in 5 districts within Essex – Chelmsford City, Maldon, Braintree, Rochford and Epping. They have 2 rooms available at the Night Shelter for emergency cases, and may be able to provide temporary accommodation.
Southwest Key a nonprofit charitable organization, sheltering immigrant children under 18 years of age who arrive in the country without a parent or guardian, and working to reunify them with a parent, relative or sponsor. Majority of youth are 13-17.
The Haven Wolverhampton mission is to support women and dependent children who are vulnerable to domestic abuse and homelessness. They provide Safe, high quality support in an environment of dignity and respect. Their vision is for all women and children.
Refuge for Women is a non-profit, faith-based organization that provides long-term care for women experiencing abuse and exploits. They offer up to twelve months of safe housing, at no charge to the resident, with around the clock care as clients.
Salisbury Women's Refuge Ltd provides accommodation for women and children fleeing domestic abuse including honour based violence, Female Genital Mutilation and Forced Marriage. Their services are Counselling, Domestic Abuse Awareness, Secure Accommodation, Safety Planning, Empowerment and Self Esteem Support Work,.
Grampian Women's Aid is a non-profit organisation committed to providing free and non-judgemental specialist services and support to women, children and young people who are experiencing any form of domestic abuse. They understand each set of circumstances and needs are.
CEA support anyone experiencing domestic abuse, regardless of age, beliefs, ethnicity, faith, gender, sexual orientation and race; and including “honour based" violence and forced marriage. They offer a confidential service and provide emotional support, practical advice, legal advice, accommodation, benefits.
Peterborough Women's Aid offer a safe refuge in Peterborough providing a safe and secure accommodation to women and children escaping domestic abuse, but also specific Advice Line Services and Outreach. They have develop refuge spaces, staffing and support structures, community,.
Women’s Aid in Luton (WAIL) provides safe, secure and confidential accommodation for Women and children escaping domestic abuse. The experienced workers can provide practical & emotional support, advocacy and guidance, confidential support plan identifying the needs of housing, welfare and.
Safe Ireland focuses on a number of areas including: carrying out research; informing public policy; increasing capacity; raising public awareness, primary prevention; and working with frontline services. Their mission is to make Ireland the safest country in the world for.
Shelter Cymru helps thousands of people every year who are struggling with bad housing or homelessness. They believe a home is a fundamental right and essential to the health and well-being of people and communities. They work for people in.
Providing support to anyone experiencing or fearing violence or abuse from a partner, ex-partner or family member. Living Without Abuse (LWA) working to meet the needs of everyone regardless of their circumstances. They are committed to raising awareness of domestic.
Kaitaia Womens Refuge offer community and residential based advocacy services, safety plan development, information, advice and support through a 24 hour crisis line. Provide direct services to families that restore safety and welbeing where domestic violence has or is at.
IDAS supporting people affected by domestic abuse and sexual violence. They provide refuge accommodation, community based support, peer mentoring, group work and access to a free, confidential out of hours’ helpline. In addition they help people through the criminal justice.
The Care Society is a registered charity helping homeless people and support services throughout Mid and West Wales. They provide housing and tenancy related support throughout Ceredigion to enable homeless and potentially homeless people aged 16 and over to acquire.
Daisyhouse provide secure affordable high quality supported accommodation to homeless women & to provide them with the skills & confidence to move to independent living. Through their Personal Support Program they are breaking the cycle of homelessness. Empowering people to.
Fylde Coast Women’s Aid support by providing a refuge for the victims of domestic abuse. They help with a unique and holistic service to individual and their families. Their mission and vision is to empower individuals to live their lives.
Shine's mission is to stop domestic abuse in New Zealand. They motivate hundreds of people - mostly men - that hurt their families to change their behaviour. Helping thousands more by supporting and training other professionals to effectively intervene and.
Taupō Women’s Refuge (Awhina Society Inc.) offers support, advocacy and education 24 hours a day and seven days a week. A refuge safe house is also available to women and children suffering the effects of family violence. They provide a.
Glasgow Women's Aid provides safe temporary refuge accommodation to women and children fleeing from domestic abuse. They have 37 refuge spaces for women and their children throughout Glasgow and has been supporting with confidentiality. Helping those in need of information.
Auckland City Mission is to help people in desperate need. They understand that people has different reasons some are isolated elderly others are rough sleepers or people living in cars and inappropriate housing. Others are battling addictions, living with mental.
The Passage mission is to provide resources which encourage, inspire and challenge homeless people to transform their lives. They are an advocate for homeless people actively working, collaborating with all sectors of society. Base on their core values they act.
The Roswell Refuge provide a safe environment for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and to educate the community about the effects of domestic/sexual assault violence on adults, children, and the community-at-large. They have been supported dedicated volunteers and financial.
Women’s Aid South Lanarkshire and East Renfrewshire is a charity serving those abused domestically in the communities across South Lanarkshire and East Renfrewshire. Their services including refuge accommodation, support and information, which ensures improved outcomes. They support regardless of all.
Society of Saint Vincent de Paul is caring for the homeless, providing social housing, operating holiday homes and other social support activities. They visit individual or family seeking help, the Society promotes community self-sufficiency, enabling people to help themselves.
West Christchurch Women's Refuge promotes and protects the rights of women, children, families/whanau to live free from any form of violence and abuse. The services provided were a 24 hour crisis line and a refuge safe house, work was carried.
Fife Women’s Aid offering a free and confidential service and support, information and refuge to women and children who have experience of domestic abuse in Fife, Scotland. Provide a telephone support service during weekdays between 9am and 5pm, and an.
South West Refuge provide Crisis Accommodation (refuge), Safe@home community, Family and domestic violence outreach service and support for women, and women with children, escaping Family and Domestic Violence. Children are also supported by a specialist Child Advocate same with Cultural,.
Volunteers of America Colorado is a nonprofit, faith-based organization dedicated to helping those in-need transform their lives. Helping individual with housing and emergency shelters, hunger and nutrition services, and many other community support programs. They support any diverse populations including.
Inverclyde women's aid is an organisation established in 1985 and a registered charity in scotland. Their aim is to provide support to women, children and young people who are, or have, experienced domestic abuse, sexual assault, rape and childhood sexual.
Community Northern Beaches (CNB) is a non-profit, community-funded charitable organisation, providing crisis accommodation, support, safety and services for homeless women across Sydney’s Northern Beaches. They provide an individual case management, outcomes-based approach, assisting women to access permanent accommodation and community.
Aberdeen Cyrenians provides support and assistance to rough sleepers, those needing to flee unsafe home environments, couch surfers with no permanent address, people who find it difficult to maintain their tenancy due to mental health or addiction issues, ex-prisoners with.
Stirling and District Women's Aid provides support to women and their children who are experiencing or have experienced domestic abuse irrespective of race, religion, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, political beliefs, social background or disability. Their service includes those who.
Edinburgh Women’s Aid provide temporary accommodation for those affected with domestic abuse. They will help develop additional ways of coping with the impact of the abuse they have experienced. Help to rebuild self-esteem and confidence that may have been affected.
Dublin Simon Community support housing projects for people who are homeless and unable to live independently. Their mission is to empower people to access and retain a home by providing housing, prevention, addiction treatment, emergency response and other targeted interventions,.
Shelter NI campaign is to relieve human suffering irrespective of colour, creed, class or religion living in adverse housing conditions and to relieve poverty and distress. Their mission is ‘To promote and facilitate the provision of sufficient decent and affordable.
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