Dairy Products Suppliers Manufacturers | Global Hospitality Directory


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Dairy Products Suppliers

Historically the consumption of dairy products date back thousand of years to when milk producing animals were part of subsistence farming providing food and nutrition to nomads.  After industrialisation the supply of milk became a commercial industry. Dairies were set up with each country introducing its own regulatory and governing bodies. The governing bodies established regulations about which  breeds of animals would be developed for the dairy industry.   Today the most common sourced milk for human consumption is cow, water buffalo, goat, reindeer, horse, sheep, camel, yak . The most common non dairy milk is made from rice, soy, coconut, almonds, hemp, cashew and pea. Most of these alternatives can be used to create cheeses yoghurt and even ice cream.   To find your nearest supplier of dairy products just click into one of the categories listed above and you may contact them directly. Featured suppliers include manufacturers of premium milk, cream, yoghurt, cheeses, ice cream and gelato.

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