Ember - Hospitality Chain


A World First Global Search And Information Platform

Dedicated And Committed To All Aspects Of The Hospitality Industry

Ember provide innovative, person-centred solutions for people experiencing mental distress, people with addiction issues and people with intellectual disabilities. They also have Community Support Service consists of 3 mobile teams supporting people in their recovery from mental health issues by offering a wide range of practical and empowering services. Providing Packages of Care to those who require higher levels of flexible and responsive support, a way to navigate and coordinate through complex and challenging situations.

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Mumbai India
The Manav Foundation provides therapies, rehabilitation, counseling for adults, caregiver support, reintegration, and vocational support. Founded in 2004 as a Public Charitable Trust, MANAV Foundation…
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FS logo square Addiction and Mental Health 800pxl - First Step
St Kilda Victoria Australia
First Step’s vision is a community where people who use drugs and alcohol and people living with mental distress can live well, be safe and be supported. First Step is a special place.  It’s a place of welcome, empathy and hope.  It’s a place where people who use drugs and alcohol and people living with […]
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Parkville Victoria Australia
Orygen believe that mental health disorders begin at the early teens to the mid-20s experiencing a depressive behaviour. They develop innovative training programs and resources…
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Global Leisure Travel And
Tourism Platform
Global Freight
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Global Waste
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 Global Waste Control